Advantages of Beta Arbutin Produced by Day Natural

Advantages of β-arbutin

β-arbutin introduces a glucose molecule in the molecule, reduces the stimulating effect, has the ability to interfere with melanocytes, dilute the formed melanin, its sunscreen ability is good, light spot effect is strong, used in the treatment of melasma, freckles and other pigments, has a good effect.

(Below: Arbutin — Mechanism of action)

Arbutin -- Mechanism of action

Cosmetic Industry Regulation for residues of hydroquinone in β-arbutin

Cosmetics industry hydroquinone residue requirements: less than 10 ppm; The residue index of arbutin hydroquinone in Day Natural Company can reach no detection.

(Day Natural internal control standards are higher than industry standards)

Safety of β-arbutin

The EU mainly considers the presence of a risk substance in arbutin – hydroquinone. Many products added with arbutin are prone to discoloration problems, which is one of the manifestations of unstable ingredients.

Regarding this issue, it mainly depends on the quality of the raw material and the stability of the product, balancing the effectiveness, irritability and stability of the product, and the EU has previously conducted a preliminary safety assessment of arbutin.

Alpha-arbutin: The use in cosmetics is relatively safe for consumers, with concentrations up to 2% in face creams and up to 0.5% in body lotions.

Beta-arbutin: Concentrations of up to 7% of beta-arbutin in creams are safe for consumers if the hydroquinone in cosmetic formulations is kept below 1ppm.

The whitening mechanism of β-arbutin

1. Prevention: Reduce uv absorption

2. Protection: Anti-free radicals, anti-inflammation

3. Activation of melanin: Reduce the production and activity of melanocytes

4. Melanin production process: Inhibit the activity of enzymes that promote the production of melanin

5. The generated melanin: Reduce the generated melanin and dilute the limonomelanin

6. Auxiliary steps: Promote cell metabolism, so that melanin from the surface of the skin smooth discharge.

Application of Arbutin

As the whitening effect of arbutin has been paid more and more attention, major manufacturers at home and abroad have also applied arbutin to a variety of whitening skin care products, the types of products involve serum, serum, facial mask toner, facial cleanser, body lotion and so on.

Application of arbutin
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